
Is It Time for You to Speak Up?

If you have an interest in public speaking it’s probably because you’re realizing its a pathway to greater influence, opportunity, contribution, and personal confidence.

I’ve been astounded over the 45 years I’ve been a professional presenter how many doors have opened, resources have flowed, friendships and business relationships I’ve gained, just from being willing to speak up at the front of the room.

More than a million people have sat in my audiences over that time. I’ve been hired by hundreds of Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 corporations, and earn an income that puts me in the top 10% of the speaking industry.

Most of my speaking work comes from the word-of-mouth testimonials of people who have seen me speak. I don’t cold-call speaker bureaus, spend a fortune on ads, leave home for networking conferences, or aggressively promote on social media.

If you’re someone who has passion, urgency, and expertise, who wants to reach more people with your knowledge, and you love inspiring others, this is a great place to develop your skills and refine your focus as a speaker.

The number one thing you can do if you want to succeed in front of the room, is to connect with your audience at a human level.

In my experience, anyone who is willing to be authentically human is in the best position to inspire, educate, and serve an audience.

Credentials, expert lingo, data, slides, and opinions can be the fastest ways to create a divide between you and the people you hope to influence.

On the other hand, real human stories are the shortest distance between you and the heart of a crowd.

Just be real. Just be you.

Ironically, that takes practice.

My promise is to give you a personal tour of the skills, mindset, practices, and education that create engaging and memorable presentations, and that start conversations that matter in your personal and professional life.

Honestly Human is a reader-supported publication. To access additional coaching & benefits for speaking and storytelling consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.



Subjects I’ll be addressing in the free public tier will include:

  • The basics of competent storytelling

  • How to find your best stories

  • How to structure your storytelling

  • How to connect with your audience

  • Working with fear

  • Writing content for spoken delivery

  • Managing your energy and mindset leading up to a presentation

  • What to do if you’re an introvert and need to speak publicly

  • And much more


The paid tier of Honestly Human is geared toward professional development.

In addition to the free tier content . . .

  • You’ll get unlimited drop-in privileges to our weekly story sharing sessions which includes supportive group feedback and coaching from me.

You’ll also gain access to:

  • Subscriber only guides, tips, downloads, and templates for delivering pro presentations.

  • The ability to comment on paid posts and join the community.

Additional content provided will include such things as:

  • How to use speaking skills to achieve your professional goals

  • How to use slides and multimedia

  • Collaborating with event planners

  • Customizing your message to different audiences

  • Asking the right questions of meeting stakeholders

  • How to profit from a presentation even if you’re not getting paid

  • How to participate off-stage at an event you’re speaking for

  • The importance of understanding your place in a meeting agenda

  • Ways to arrange a room that facilitate engagement or kill it

  • How to write a program or introduction bio

  • How to title your presentation

  • And much more


The founding member tier of Honestly Human is geared toward those who want to accelerate their public speaking skills.

In addition to the free and paid tier content, founding members receive . . .

  • A 90-minute personal consultation with Rick:

    • to find your best stories fast

    • to help you develop your focus, ideas, design, and delivery for a specific upcoming speaking opportunity

    • or to generally explore the most valuable things you have to say to audiences

Honestly Human is a reader-supported publication. To access additional coaching & benefits consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Why Should Everyone Learn Public Speaking?

The warmth of the human voice and the mood of human presence can inspire change, action, joy, understanding, connection, and commitment to the things that matter most.

I’d love to have your company inside of the Honestly Human community to empower your highest expression, and have your support to encourage the same for others.

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I'm Rick Lewis—a socially anxious introvert who became a Fortune 100 speaker and author by learning to be honestly human & share authentic stories. I help you use your personal stories in writing and speaking to inspire, educate and connect with others.


Rick is a national speaker, author, storyteller, professional development coach and entertainer—dedicated to helping professionals bring their human spirit to work. Visit ricklewis.co for speaking and https://medium.com/@ricklewisco for more writing.